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Stately Homes & Gardens


Wolveley, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY11 5TB

Meander through the beauty, peace and tranquillity of Bodenham, Worcestershire's 'Hidden Garden'. An oasis of plantations, pools and avenues, beautifully landscaped including over 3000 species of trees and shrubs from all over the world.

Walks will take you through a patchwork quilt of pools, dells and glades, which provide habitats for flora, fauna, insect and bird life. The working farm includes sheep, Herefordshire cattle, pigs and rare breeds of poultry. Everyone enjoys Bodenham's donkeys, who play a very important part in the 'Follow the Star' Christmas Nativity Trail.

The award winning Visitors Centre provides home-cooked food & cakes including or own farm reared pork, beef and lamb.

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