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Luxury Holiday Homes to Rent


Waldegraves Lane, Mersea Island, Colchester, Essex, CO5 8SE
From £299.00 per week
27 Units sleep 1-6

Waldegraves is situated on the beautiful and historic Mersea Island overlooking the sparkling Blackwater Estuary.

Family run and owned, Waldegraves is a great mixture of holiday homes and touring areas for motorhomes, caravans and tents. Guests can enjoy well-maintained standard grass pitches, hard-standing and serviced pitches, some with hedges to offer a greater level of privacy during your stay.

For a holiday or short break with all the comforts of home, stay in one of our luxury caravan holiday homes, fully equipped for your perfect family break. Dogs are welcome on site on leads and have their own exercise area.

The park facilities include an outdoor heated pool, restaurant, bar and shop. There’s also 4 fishing lakes, children’s play areas, pool tables, a family arcade, entertainment venue, a private beach, a dog walking area, crazy golf, footgolf, a driving range and 18-hole pitch ‘n’ putt course.