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4 South Hunter Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, L1 9JG
From £17.00 - £45.00
23 En-suite

Seeking the best value for money with high quality services? Look no further...Located in the heart of Liverpool, The International Inn offers guests much more than a pleasant stay. We provide a range of accommodation to every budget, ranging from hostel dormitories and private bedrooms to exceptional hotel-style bedrooms and private self catering apartments.

Complimentary hot beverages, and light snacks are available and free Wi-Fi along with many more FREE services. Dorms feature 4 to a maximum of 10 beds, accommodation suiting all cultures, welcoming everyone from all over the world, with 24-hour reception. Take full advantage, there's no curfew!

Less than 5-minutes from the nightlife and only a further 5-minute walk from Lime Street railway station.

No smoking No Smoking
Disabled access Disabled Access
No pets No pets
Wifi Wifi