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Museums & Galleries


Chambers Institution, High Street, Peebles, EH45 8AG Senior Museums Curator: Mrs. Fiona M. Colton

Opening Times: March-Dec Mon-Fri 10.30am-12.30pm & 1.00pm-4.00pm. Saturday 9.30am-12.30pm. Also open additional evening hours - contact 01721 720123 for details. Closed Beltane Saturday in June. Admission Free.

The complex of buildings known as the Chambers Institution was given to the townspeople of Peebles in 1859 for their 'social moral and intellectual improvement' by William Chambers, the publisher, who was born in Peebles in 1800.

Tweeddale Museum, which is housed in the main building, aims to keep up this tradition of learning while presenting a series of lively displays based on the history of the district and the rich, somewhat exotic collection established by William Chambers. The Chambers Room houses historically important friezes and items from the permanent collections. The Picture Gallery dates from Victorian period and today the space is used for a wide variety of temporary exhibitions and activities.

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